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We all have to do them, those daily chores, and when we lapse for whatever reason, things pile up fast and threaten to overwhelm us. Be it in the kitchen where sticky messes are legendary, the bathroom which has major traffic marked by wet towels, the yard and garden with weeds and flowers withering from lack of water, chores exist and fall mainly to us. Being off duty for whatever reason, things rapidly decline, and the place looks like nobody cares for it.


This 100-page journal is where you can write all about your duties and how you handle them. Prompts appear on the left side pages with light lines for keeping your thoughts and ideas orderly. On the right, the pages are blank for you to let passion loose and write in whatever fashion suits your mood of the moment.


Get a set of markers and write in color. It will make you feel so much happier and in doing you've found a small niche where you have complete control. So, start with your journal and branch out from there. Take frequent breaks and pick up the journal again and again. Get a nice cold drink and let it all wash over you — put your mood in writing on the page. Whatever you do, don't worry about tomorrow, it, and the chores will be there as surely as the sun comes up in the East. Oh, the journal fits in your purse so take it for those interminable waits throughout the day.


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Daily Chores Journal

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