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Skies look especially pretty in autumn. Sunsets are brilliant displays of reds, oranges, and yellows. Trees are only partly clothed in leaves. Objects appear in silhouette sometimes.


Write about this colorful season in this 100-page blank book with half of the pages lightly lined and the other half blank to allow for writing, sketching and more writing. Get an array of cheap, water-soluble colored markers and turn some of the blank pages into sunsets. Use black to draw a tree silhouetted over the colored sky, add a scarecrow, building, corn field, etc. Your imagination can soar. Don't miss an opportunity to be creative.


Write about what you are seeing, freely jot down your impressions. Try not to edit much, let words flow. Prompts at the top of lined pages will nudge you if you begin to run out of ideas. Have fun!


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Fall Journal - Sunsets

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