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Who among us never needed an occasional helping hand? Growing up we worked hard for independence, but throughout life we've all had moments when things didn't go the way we planned. Minor setbacks made us wiser, stronger and once past the crisis, we return the favor by reaching out to someone we see in need.


Write about your experiences in this 100-page journal designed for just that. Start by going back to your first skinned knee and tell who put a Band-aid on it. Pages are 3/4 lined with blank space at the bottom for further notes, sketches, or doodling. On every other page, you will find words at the top, prompts to help you get started writing. None of us live in a vacuum and of we fall, we get back up stronger and more determined.


Now is the time to jot down those memories and reflect on the ways you became the amazing person you are today. Give yourself a pat on the back in this journal, you deserve it.


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Helping Hands Journal

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