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Lists help us in so many ways. Organized people know that. Keeping things in order, maintaining control and delegating tasks? No brainer — make a list.


Collect information, eliminate the frills, get to the marrow? Write it down. If making a list is at the top of your to do list, this journal is definitely for you. Lightly lined pages, 100 of them with prompts at the top can help you begin new lists, (not that you need prompts.) Grab your pencil or pen and begin immediately to fill this book with lists. Use some of the pages to elaborate by writing in paragraphs or even sentence fragments if you wish.


Write current tasks, things to put off until tomorrow, next week, next month, etc. etc. Write about how lists have simplified your life. Tell about how good list making makes you feel great.


Order now or put it on your list for the near future. Then write about how checking it off your list gave you satisfaction of a task well accomplished.


Buy on Amazon.

List Maker - Rice Paper Iris

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