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The Jewel Box

My whole life I always wondered what if I was to work as hard at my own pursuits as I did at the jobs I held? Something was always pressing, interrupting, needing attention.

When it became apparent in early April that we'd be confined indefinitely to the house I sat down at this new computer and by trial and error figured out the paint program. Time was suddenly my friend and unlimited, right? My sister emailed and asked if I wanted to work with her on a couple of blank/low content books. What the heck is a blank book? I asked. She sent articles and we chatted back and forth and got seriously busy. Neither of us could stray for very long from this new challenge. With my heaps of accumulated paintings and her knowledge of computers and graphic arts these books began to take shape. We have no doubt that Bob and Olive, our parents had a hand in it since everything fell into place like clockwork. The day Susie did the website I emailed it to friend and fellow artist. "The books look like little jewels." she said. We were truly off and running.

It was our way of trying to not deal with what was going on all around us, keeping busy to blot out what was taking place the world over, the unprecedented sadness, the up-ending of everything we all took for granted. The books kept us focused on something challenging, good and upbeat.

Browse and enjoy each book's bright and yes, happy cover. The themes are varied so you're sure to discover one or more of interest. Remember, good can come from the strangest and most unimaginable of places.

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